Everything started with the radio, my first love. I am an actor, dubber, italian voiceover with more than 20 years of recording experience, providing voiceover services worldwide.
About me
Radio voice over talent
Italian voiceover talent
I am Discovery Channel’s official voice as well as brands’ such as Danacol, Infiniti, Powerade, Lasonil, Neoborocillina, Vileda, Vaillant, Nivea, Mailboxes etc., Infiniti and many more.
Radio Formats
The radio experience is a significant milestone in my career, inspiring me to share this experience together with the industrial and communication business. I founded the content factory Cast Edutainment, a content media production house, podcasting editor firm, and Gliascoltabili.it, a podcasting platform where my fantasy and passion can fully express.
I love voiceovering for italian tv programs, video, podcasts, reportage, brand journalism and performances. I am also a Naba University (New Academy of Fine arts) professor of Storytelling techniques.
Together with Roberta Federici, coach, actress and voice over talent, we hold a corporate training course of voice communication tecniques.